Due to the City of LA’s severe budget problems many services such as tree trimming, stump removal, median/parkway maintenance and sidewalk repair services have been all but eliminated. The City now considers these types of repairs and services to be the responsibility of the homeowner. The responsibility for sidewalk repairs has not yet been settled and many LA citizens are challenging whether this change is legal. The Association is considering plans to help support efforts to trim trees and grass by putting together a fund (using annual dues).
Because of recent, severe droughts, and other state wide water requirements, the times of ample, cheap water for landscaping are over. The Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance (WELO) and the Low Impact Design Ordinance (LID) were passed in February of this year to further enforce landscape water use reductions. Because of these increasing restrictions on water use for landscaping, the Association has been exploring options for drought tolerant landscaping. At the recent Block Captains’ meeting, landscaper Mayita Dinos gave a talk on water wise plantings for our climate. Los Angeles is considered a Mediterranean climate which means hot, dry summers with little rain, and cool, wet winters. As beautiful as the lawns that surround most Hancock Park homes are these lawns are problematic in our climate. They need a lot of water and their static use compacts the soil. The fertilizer and pesticides that are applied often run off into the storm drain system polluting the Santa Monica Bay. So, consider drought tolerant, waterwise landscaping when planting your garden. The Association is working on more formal recommendations for relandscaping in a waterwise fashion and the information will be posted on our website.
Thanks to the Block Captain Committee for holding a great Block Captains’ meeting in May which highlighted the changes in City Services, landscaping, security and many other important issues for Hancock Park. The Block Captain network is one of the most effective protections against crime. If you want to be a block captain or don’t know who your block captain is contact the Association via the website. And, don’t forget, if you haven’t already, mail in your dues! Your dues support efforts like the tree trimming and grass cutting projects and they let you vote in the election for Board of Directors.
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