Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Drainage Issues?

As many of you have no doubt heard me preach repeatedly, water is far and away the number one enemy of foundations in terms of the cumulative damage that it indiscriminately does to so many homes.

The photo above is a fine illustration of how much effect Mother Nature can create under a house. In this particular home, and this is all too common, the expansive quality of the soil has heaved up when wet and contracted when dry and in so doing, left a large enough gap for a hand to easily fit into. This is meant to be a load bearing structural support and yet it is simply hanging in the air. With the soil in the currently dry condition, this would be an appropriate time to adjust this support to fill the gap. However, one must also then take care of whatever drainage issues led to the expansion and contraction in the first place.

If the walls of your house are cracking, it’s not “because they’re old”, they’re cracking because there is some moisture related issue still creating effect in the foundation area. Our interest is in protecting your foundation well into the future and for that reason, this reminder comes to you to be sure that you follow through with any needed drainage corrections in order to accomplish that. We can recommend companies who perform such services or you can locate a competent one of your choosing, either way your house will thank you!

Feel free to forward this along to anyone who may find it of interest.
We’ve included a link to our web-site for added convenience!
Flourish and prosper,
Tom Pelletier, Owner
The Foundation Works

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